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Cooking Amongst Millennials

Cooking Amongst Millennials

17 July 2021 - By Elie Merhy

17 July 2021 - By Elie Merhy

As far as stereotypes are concerned, there is nothing more synonymous with millennials than avocado toast. And being bad cooks as well. Now, we’re not fans of stereotypes at all here at Food-Forward. But what we do appreciate for sure are facts, backed up by numbers. So we woke up and decided we would do our share of debunking myths and stereotypes, not because most of us are millennials, but because deep down inside we know, we’re doing all humanity (more like just millennials) a favor.  So here’s how this is going to go today: We’ll be taking a look at millennials, their preference in regard to going out or cooking at home, and what exactly do they cook when they do happen to stay at home.

As far as stereotypes are concerned, there is nothing more synonymous with millennials than avocado toast. And being bad cooks as well. Now, we’re not fans of stereotypes at all here at Food-Forward. But what we do appreciate for sure are facts, backed up by numbers. So we woke up and decided we would do our share of debunking myths and stereotypes, not because most of us are millennials, but because deep down inside we know, we’re doing all humanity (more like just millennials) a favor.  So here’s how this is going to go today: We’ll be taking a look at millennials, their preference in regard to going out or cooking at home, and what exactly do they cook when they do happen to stay at home.


Couch potatoes and baked potatoes:

So, back to millennials. Rumor (or stereotype) has it that they have an unequaled sense of entitlement and are as lazy as lazy gets. Therefore, you’d expect this cohort to dine out more than cook-in, but studies show otherwise! Why may you ask? Lack of time and lack of money for the most. Others report that cooking at home provides them with a healthier diet. So, what do you know, stereotypes debunked!


What do millennials cook?

And no, the answer isn’t avocado toast. That story was taken out of context. Anyway, studies have shown that the most sought after (and used recipe) by millennials is actually none other than (drumroll please) chocolate chip cookie recipe! Followed by banana bread, meatloaf, pancakes, lasagna, mac and cheese, and last but not least, burgers!

Now for a bit more data, try and guess what dishes most millennials are trying to perfect! Here’s a small hint, check the last sections’ subheading. Good job guessing baked potatoes! In the second place, straight from the shores of Mexico, grilled tortillas with melted cheese inside, better known as quesadillas. Last but not least, in third place, poached eggs. Simple dishes, that’s for sure, but hey, simplicity is beauty (or deliciousness in our case).

Food trends in millennials:

Millennials love snacks. We promise, this one isn’t a stereotype, it’s a fact. We’re talking here about an average of more than 4 snacks per day, and a tendency to skip a full meal just to sneak in a snack or two. Legit. On the bright side, millennials are one of the most conscious generations when it comes to the origin of their food, with sustainability being a top priority when browsing grocery stores. And healthy food as well: natural and organic are the words.

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